Online Transactions

Find your Customer Record

Enter your first and last name along with your property address. In the next step we will present you with the closest matches.

If you are a tenant (non-owner) or a non-resident and haven't purchased an online item with Wellfleet before, you will have the option on the next page.

Beach and Transfer Stickers will go on sale online June 1st, 2024

We accept, Mastercard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
There is a convenience charge of 4.5% or $1.50, whichever is greater.

Resident Stickers
Assignment $15.00
Beach $35.00
Transfer 1st $25.00
Transfer 2nd $10.00
Transfer 3rd $35.00
Visitor Stickers
One Week Beach $105.00
Seasonal Beach $350.00
Three Day Beach $70.00
Two Week $200.00
Four to Six Month Seasonal $75.00
Shellfish Permits
Annual Non-Resident $220.00
Annual Resident $70.00
MA Veteran $70.00
MA Veteran Senior $30.00
Seasonal Non-Resident $95.00
Seasonal Resident $50.00
Seasonal Massachusetts Veteran Permit $50.00
Senior Resident $30.00
Town Employee $70.00
Seasonal Town Employee $50.00
Town Employee Senior $30.00
Replacement Fee (for all categories) $30.00

Sticker Purchase Requirements

You will need to upload a valid vehicle registration for each vehicle. Please make sure the registration number is legible. The following is a list of additional documents that are needed to purchase your permits.
IF: You Must Also Include:
The property is held in a Trust Copy of the trust page with the names and addresses of Trustees (Beneficiaries are not eligible)
Year Round Renter Copy of year round lease signed by property owner; 2 utility bills or bank statement, credit card or cell phone bill at the same physical address
A vehicle is registered to your child who registers their vehicle at school A Valid/current student ID up to the age of 23
Your vehicle is leased Copy of the lease or monthly lease bill
Your vehicle is a company vehicle Letter on company letterhead verifying that you, as their employee, are authorized to use the vehicle for your personal use